Anne Darr
First Vice President - DISTRICT 6
First elected 2019; Term expires 2027
Anne Darr and her husband, Rich, have three children: two FWISD graduates and one FWISD high school student. Rich, also an educator, is a graduate of Paschal High School, and Anne has lived in Fort Worth for 30 years. She currently serves as the Educational Consultant for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Services at the Education Service Center Region 11.
Anne earned her B.S. in Deaf Education in 1989 and her M.Ed. in Educational Administration in 2011, both from Texas Christian University. She has served as an elementary and middle school classroom teacher, an itinerant teacher, a Parent Advisor working with families of deaf/hard of hearing children ages 0-3, and a teacher of homebound students. Anne is a writing project trainer for Abydos Literacy and Learning, and she has presented at conferences and in school districts throughout the state of Texas. Anne is passionate about literacy and the teaching of reading and writing; she actively seeks out new, innovative, hands-on ways to inspire student and teacher learning across the curriculum; and she excels at finding ways to incorporate parents and community members into the learning process.
Represented Schools:
South Hills High School, Southwest High School, Wedgwood 6th Grade, W.P. McLean Middle, Wedgwood Middle, McLean 6th Grade, Alice Carlson ALC, Lily B. Clayton Elementary, Hazel Harvey Peace Elementary, Bruce Shulkey Elementary, Westcliff Elementary, J.T. Stevens Elementary, Woodway Elementary
Facebook: @DarrforFWISD