Facilities Master Planning
About the Task Force
The intent of this process is to create a comprehensive facilities plan. The facilities plan, not only identifies actionable items, but sets a vision for the future portfolio of facilities needed to accommodate trends in enrollment/demographics and academic programming and delivery models.
We often use the analogy of a four-legged stool in which the seat represents the facilities, and that seat is supported by four legs of equal importance. The legs include:
- Educational Framework: Curriculum, Programs, Delivery Models, and Policy
- Demographics: Enrollment and the data that impact enrollment
- Condition: Physical Condition and Educational Adequacy
- Funding: Ability to fund and sources of funding
Though one of the legs of the stool often necessitates the call for a plan, each of these legs carries an equal amount of importance when developing a facilities master plan. Add the element of community and stakeholder involvement that reflects the culture and values of Fort Worth ISD and that sets the foundation for a successful planning process.
Meeting Schedule
January 9
Cancelled due to severe weather- February 13
All meetings are planned for
6PM – 8PM.
These meetings are not open to the public.
Meeting Presentations
Task Force Meeting #1
October 7, 2024
Task Force Meeting #2
November 14, 2024
Educational Framework Survey
The Educational Framework Survey Closed Nov. 6