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Our Schools

Data Analysis and Reporting

The Data Analysis and Reporting team provides student, teacher, school, pyramid, and district-level formative and summative data, specifically assessment data, to guide teaching and learning, and inform goals and resource allocation. The team works closely with other ADQ staff to ensure the accuracy of results, aggregations, and calculations. Data Analysis and Reporting collaborates with external partners and vendors by providing timely access to data and dissemination of results and findings.

Student Assessment

The Student Assessment team plans, organizes, coordinates, and oversees the administration of state-mandated and local assessment programs in accordance with the TEA and district calendars.  The department provides comprehensive training for all Campus Testing Coordinators on state-mandated, MAP Testing and local assessment programs.  Additionally, leadership, collaboration, guidance, and support are provided to campuses for all state-mandated and local assessment programs.

Strategic Initiative Analytics

The Strategic Initiative Analytics team supports various Fort Worth ISD departments, stakeholders, and outside vendors with data-sharing needs and requests essential for district initiative programs. The department provides analytical measures and district data to support teacher and principal quality, incentive pay, and program fidelity in alignment with district goals.

Program Integration

The Program Integration team supports the district's technology-based instructional applications. The department manages the configuration, integration, management, and monitoring of district-wide academic applications, digital textbooks, and the district's screening and progress monitoring systems. In addition, the team provides Tier II customer support for the district's instructional applications and digital textbooks.


3150 McCart Ave, Suite 107
Fort Worth, TX 76110

Nancy Sticksel, Associate Superintendent
Transformation, Innovation, & Accountablity

Dr. Chad Davis, Director
Data Analysis & Reporting

Kenneth Torres, Director
Student Assessment 

Vacant, Director
Strategic Initiative Analytics

Lisa Durbin, Director
Program Integration