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Adult Education

Adult Ed Class

Welcome to the Fort Worth ISD Office of Adult Education 


"Empowering Adults Today for a Better Tomorrow"

Mission Statement

The FWISD Office of Adult Education is committed to meeting the learning needs of our communities with more than 20 sites and over 100 classes across Tarrant County by:

  • Empowering adults striving to improve their basic skills through adult education and;
  • Promoting continued learning that will prepare adults for higher education or skills training leading to a career.
  • We will implement instruction using quality research-based, materials-appropriate content and methods to meet the need of the adult learner. We will offer continued support and professional development opportunities to foster a talented and dedicated staff to meet our objectives. 
  • The FWISD and the Tarrant County Adult Education and Literacy Consortium (TCAELC) Adult Education Programs are grant supported with state and federal funds received from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). 


FWISD Adult Education and Literacy services include:

High School Equivalency/GED

  • High School Equivalency (HSE) Classes/Adult Basic Education/Adult Secondary Education – These prepare adults for success on four exams leading to obtaining their HSE.

Career Trainings

  • Transition and Bridge – Prerequisite classes for each career training where students develop workplace skills and learn college readiness skills with an introduction to their career training curriculum.
  • Career Trainings – High level-adult students who may or may not yet have their high school diploma. Students receive hands-on career training at a career partner's location in their chosen field while earning a state recognized in-demand credential.
  • Contextual – Support classes for each training providing contextualized training curriculum, adult education literacy and workforce prep activities.

English as a Second Language Classes

  • ESL – Assists adult students learn to speak, read and write English at all levels.
  • ESL for Professionals – Assists degreed ESL learners to speak, read and write English at an advance level and provides free degree equivocation while in class. This provides access to training opportunities in a student’s current field or new careers for advanced level students.
  • EL Civics (English Literacy & Civics) – Assists ESL students prepare for U.S. citizenship while learning to speak, read and write English at all levels.

Workplace Literacy

  • These are onsite classes at an employer’s place of business customized to the needs of the company’s operations to improve English language or math/reading/writing skills for their employees. Instructors and curriculum are provided onsite by the program at no cost to the employer. Additionally, training opportunities can be identified and provided to enhance employee skills and add value for the employer.

We offer a selection of free classes available to all individuals 17 or older. Whether you need career advancement, refresher in math/reading/writing, a High School Equivalency (HSE), or just need to improve your English skills, we have a class for you. 

Virtual and remote learning options are available! Registration is required to attend classes. To get registered or to get more information, give us a call today at 817-402-7555.

Please visit our Enrollment Procedures page for instructions on how to become a student in our program.


Nydia Lewis, M.Ed.


5701 Meadowbrook Dr. Building #1
Fort Worth, TX 76112