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High School Equivalency (HSE) Classes

Adult Education Graduate

The reasons why some adults do not have high school degrees vary. Sometimes, it's as simple as life obstacles getting in the way. However, the fact is that many jobs require a high school degree, a high school equivalency degree or a GED to even be considered for employment or advancement.

It's an important benchmark used by employers, colleges and even the military to determine a person's abilities and dedication to improvement. Possessing one can help adults earn more money, create sustainable households, earn promotions, achieve admission to college courses, venture into a new career or simply serve as a role model for their family members. 

The good news is that the Fort Worth ISD Department of Adult Education can help. The Department works with adults seeking their HSE/GED by offering classes for adult basic education (ABE) and adult secondary education (ASE).

Classes are held throughout Tarrant County and taught by trained staff who carefully guide students through the course to achieve success. The Department even holds an annual graduation ceremony to celebrate the adult students who complete the process.

For more information on classes and how to enroll, visit the enrollment page and complete the online application.