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New Employees - The 31 Day Rule

New Employees – the 31 Day Rule

New employees have 31 days from their employment date (the date they start to work) to enroll or decline coverage for themselves or their eligible dependents.  New employees may choose their employment date or the first of the month following their employment date as their effective date of coverage for TRS ActiveCare Health Plan.  New employees who wish to be covered  by TRS ActiveCare on their first date of employment must call the Benefits office at 817-814-2240 or email  Other plans/services begin on the first of the month following their employment date.  

The enrollment site is: 

Login using the instructions listed on the Benefits HUB Login page


The 31 day enrollment period for new employees may cross payroll schedules for two months.  Accordingly, new employees may see an adjustment (usually a double deduction) on their second or subsequent payday to pay for the first month of coverage.


Premiums/deductions will be taken for the entire month of coverage or service; regardless of when coverage or service begins.