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Carl D. Perkins Grant Survey

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act in 2018 (Perkins V) aims to improve academic and technical skills of secondary students and help prepare them for careers in high-skills, high-wage, or in-demand occupations. As mandated by Perkins V, the Career and Technical (CTE) Department administers an annual evaluation of its programming. CTE is collecting data in the areas of certifications and licensures, CTE courses taken, career planning, Programs of Study/GSPOC, and Career and Technical Student Organization Co-curriculars. The student survey questions can be found here.


The students surveyed are in grades sixth through twelfth, in all CTE courses. This survey does request student names for verification purposes, but students’ names and/or identifying information will NOT be shared. This is stated at the top of the survey and again at a later point in the survey. Students will complete the survey in their CTE course from May 7, 2024, through May 21, 2024. Any student who has opted out of district surveys will not take the survey. 

The data will be used by the CTE Department to improve CTE learning for all Fort Worth ISD students. The Perkins V funding which the CTE Department receives is used for the following: 


  1. Align CTE programs with high-wage, in-demand, and high-skill occupations in Texas 
  1. Provide funding and opportunities for students to earn credentials (industry-based certifications, level I and II certificates, associate and bachelor’s degrees) 
  1. Provide opportunities for work-based learning  
  1. Construct, support and promote meaningful and effective CTE cross sector collaboration in Texas across secondary, post-secondary and the workforce 
  1. Ensure equitable access to post-secondary CTE programs and credentials through multiple on and off-ramps for all students, with particular attention to Perkins special populations. 


For more information or questions, please reach out to Robert Wright, Director-College, Career & Military Readiness, at 817-814-1530