- College Admission Awareness
- College Application Assistance
- Financial Aid Application Assistance
- Financial Aid Advising
- Career Exploration
- Scholarship Assistance
- College Advising
- College Campus Visits and Tours
- Academic Advising
GO Centers aspire to help students see pathways to careers and college, assisted by support from United Way of Tarrant County. They are physical spaces in schools and other locations, equipped with computers and overseen by school staff. Students visit the GO Centers and research career opportunities, collegeoptions, and financial aid. Students are assisted by mentors from higher education institutions and from the community.
Since 2004, the Fort Worth Chamber has employed staff to provide oversight and technical assistance to FWISD and community GO Centers. Since 2006, more than 120,000 students have utilized the GO Centers, averaging over 12,000 students annually.
In addition to the campus and community GO Centers, students have access to a Mobile GO Center hosted by Tarrant County College. The Mobile has had over 62,000 visitors since 2006. Also, Tarleton State University has two Mobiles (Stephenville, Fort Worth) that will attend events/activities throughout the state of Texas, and Texas Woman’s University has a Mobile that serves the Denton/Dallas County area.
College and Career Readiness Coaches
College and Career Readiness (CCR) Coaches serve as lead advocates and case managers for students receiving intentional interventions that include curriculum-based small groups and one-on-one support based on identified needs. CCR Coaches are full-time, campus-based professionals who seem to cultivate a college and career bound culture across the entire campus. Activities in this area involve every student enrolled at one of the high-need cluster schools.
CCR Coaches:
- Serve as resource advocates as well as college and career readiness educators by facilitating access to career and college information
- Cultivate an understanding of FWISD college and career options such as the Gold Seal Programs of Choice of Career Technology Education (CTE) Programs of Study
- Plan college day/weeks, parent meetings, school wide marketing, classroom presentations and student workshops
- Oversee the day-to-day operations of the GO Center
- Provide programming to increase parental involvement
- Conduct monthly progress checks of targeted students and update parents via preferred communication mode (telephone, email, etc.)
- Conduct workshops and presentations to help parents understand district college and career readiness programs
- Give presentations on specific topics to raise parent/caregiver awareness of successful high school and post-secondary transitions
College and Career Readiness Coaches
Go Center Services
Services GO Centers Provide:
Operating Hours for GO Centers:
The campus GO Centers operate during school hours. Library GO Centers operate during the hours each library is open. Currently, the Stop Six Community GO Center assists students by appointment. The Hope Inc., GO Center operates Tuesday and Wednesday, 4:30pm-6:30pm.