Elementary College Awareness
College will offer your student countless opportunities in life. There are some simple things you can do to help your student prepare.
Start early.
No matter how young your student is, it is never too early to begin planning for college and talking with your student about it.
Be clear.
Communicate your expectations to your student about his or her behavior and performance in school.
Have frequent conversations with your student about schoolwork, goals and the importance of education.
Motivate your student to try new activities, volunteer in the community and succeed in school. Studies have shown that students involved in school activities enjoy school more and do better academically. Extra activities at school help students make new friends, gain confidence and new skills and have fun!
Elementary Programs
Education GO Get It Week
Fort Worth ISD’s Education: Go Get It Week is generally held in September. This great educational week is aligned with the date of the Fort Worth ISD City-wide College Night program. All campuses are asked (elementary, middle school and high school) to participate in providing activities and programs to students and parents during this week focused on the various topics highlighting post-secondary educational opportunities.
College Colors Day
College Colors Day is an annual celebration dedicated to promote the traditions and spirit that make the college experience great by encouraging people across America to wear apparel of their favorite college or university throughout the day.
Achieve Texas Program
Achieve Texas is an education initiative designed to prepare all students for a lifetime of success. It allows ALL students to achieve excellence by preparing them for secondary and postsecondary opportunities, career preparation and advancement, meaningful work, and active citizenship. It is a system designed to help students (and their parents) make wise education choices. It is based on the belief that the curricula of the 21st century should combine rigorous academics with relevant career education. When schools integrate academic and technical education, students can see the “usefulness” of what they are learning. The system also facilitates a seamless transition from secondary to postsecondary opportunities.
Scholarship Bulletin - Elementary
Monthly scholarship bulletins are distributed to students/parents and posted on the district’s website. The scholarship bulletins list scholarship opportunities for all levels (elementary, middle school and high school). Local scholarship information is also included in the scholarship bulletins.
Academic / Post-Secondary & Career Planning – Campus Level Activities/Programs & Guidance Lessons
Campus level programs/activities and Guidance Lessons focused on Academic/ Post-Secondary Planning, Career Education, Financial Aid and Scholarship information are provided each month to students and parents by school counselors at all levels (elementary, middle school, high school). Many campuses provide College Week and/or Career Days each year for the students.
University Interscholastic League (UIL) activities
The UIL offers the most comprehensive literary and academic competition in the nation, with 23 high school events and 19 elementary and junior high events. These activities, which exist to complement the academic curriculum, are designed to motivate students as they acquire higher levels of knowledge, to encourage students to confront issues of importance, and to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of specific skills. Students are challenged to think critically, exhibiting much more than knowledge and comprehension.
FWISD Advanced, Accelerated, and Innovative Learning offers programs such as University Interscholastic League Academic Contests which provide opportunities for students on each campus to engage in creative and academically challenging activities.
FWISD students have enjoyed successfully competing in elementary UIL contests for several years. It is a goal of our district to provide opportunities for all students and to increase school and student participation. All contest events are in subject areas that are already taught, and subject matter of the tests is embedded in the curriculum, and are based upon the TEKS.
Elementary UIL for Grades 2-5 events include the following:
Grade 2: Creative Writing, Storytelling
Grade 3: Ready Writing, Storytelling, Spelling, Music Memory
Grade 4: Oral Reading, Ready Writing, Number Sense, Spelling, Art, Music Memory
Grade 5: Oral Reading, Ready Writing, Maps/Graphs/Charts, Dictionary Skills,
Number Sense, Spelling, Art, Music Memory, Listening, Social Studies
Invention Convention Program
Invention Convention is an annual contest for students in Kindergarten through 7th grade who use their creativity to create a prototype invention that will make their lives easier. Young FWISD inventors have been improving our lives with their inventions and innovations for more than twenty years. The district contest will be held in January. Adjudicators will select winners to be recognized at a special celebration in the FWISD board room.
Spelling Bee program
FWISD students in first through eighth grades begin participation at their campus to participate in the school spelling bee. The school spelling bees are generally in mid-January. School winners advance to the six FWISD Area Spelling Bees in mid-February. The six district winners of the Area Spelling Bees, advance to the Regional Spelling Bee at TCU in the spring and each who advances has his or her photo appear in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, a co-sponsor of the Regional Spelling Bee. The regional winner, advances to the National Scripps Spelling Bee in Washington D.C.
Dare to Discover – Summer Program
Dare to Discover is a two-week High-Academic Performance Summer Camp that offers multi-aged creative classes for students who enjoy being both academically challenged and engaged. Many performance-based and hands-on classes are offered. The camp culminates with an open house including demonstrations, project displays and performances by the students.
Programs of Choice
Young students also have the opportunity to become more engaged learners through Fort Worth ISD Programs of Choice. They are offered at several elementary and middle schools across the District. Students receive a full range of learning experiences along with a more intensive curriculum in such fields as math, science, communications, art and foreign language. Exciting and educational electives spark children’s imaginations, give them ownership of their education and begin teaching them lifelong skills for success.