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District Records Management

District Records

What is Records Management? 

Records Management is the process of controlling records from their creation to their ultimate disposition. As the principal source of information, records constitute a vital administrative tool with which the work of an organization is accomplished.

Why Records Management?

Records are an asset, like human resources, financial resources, property, equipment, etc.  Records support the services we provide at every level. Records management contributes to organizational efficiency, both by reducing cost associated with the records themselves and by providing supporting documentation when it becomes necessary.

Records Management services:

  • Control records creation and growth
  • Reduce operating expenses
  • Improve efficiency and productivity
  • Ensure regulatory compliance
  • Minimize litigation risks
  • Identify and protect vital information
  • Support better management decision making
  • Preserve the corporate memory

Mission Statement:

The mission of the District Records Management office is to develop, evaluate and implement a Records Management Program that will:

  • promote district-wide participation and accountability;
  • preserve the past, present and future records created and maintained by Fort Worth ISD;
  • guide the management, access, retention, storage, protection and disposition of the records;
  • provide consultative and operational assistance for all division and departments concerning their records retention and secure information management practices. 

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District Records Management
1324 Rockwood LN, Bldg. #4
Fort Worth, TX 76114
P 817.814.2115

Hours of Operation: 

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Sidney Pounds
Assistant General Counsel                    

Sylvia Medina
Sr Specialist