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Record Retention and Destruction

Records Retention

The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) is the state agency that enforces all matters regarding records.  The retention schedules below are most commonly used by school districts:

 SD: Records of Public School Districts

All types of school records are included in this category such as academic, special programs, student health, transportation, school safety, financial, personnel, food service, surveys, reports, library, attendance, discipline/counseling and adult/vocational.

 GR: Records Common to All Local Governments

Records commonly found in this category include: financial, personnel, payroll, purchasing, facility, communications and information technology.


 Records Destruction

According to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC), a District record may be intentionally destroyed if the record is listed on a records control schedule filed with the State Library and Archives Commission and either its retention period has expired or it has been microfilmed or electronically stored in accordance with legal standards.  It is important to destroy your records when the retention period is up.  Keeping records that are past due increase your storage space and could place the District at legal risk due to an open records request.  

Fort Worth ISD Destruction Schedule

For year end bulk destruction, use the Destruction Authorization Form and make two copies. The original copy is to be submitted to the District Records Management Department (DRM) with the second copy retained for your school/department file. Each request will be reviewed and processed by the Records Management Department.  Documents must be destroyed within five business days of receipt of approval.   

The primary or secondary Custodian of Record is required to complete this form and certifies that these records have met the retention requirements and there is no pending litigation or open records requests.  Unsigned forms will be returned.


Record Series

The records series numbers are assigned by the State and Local Records Management Division of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The record series title is the title that corresponds to the record series number.  All of this information can be found in the FWISD Record Series Quick Reference guides below:

School District (SD) Record Series

Government Records (GR) Series