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Blackboard Parentlink

Blackboard Parentlink and the Fort Worth ISD Mobile App

What is Blackboard Parentlink (Blackboard Teacher Communication)?
Blackboard Parentlink is the official communication tool used between parents and schools. Parents need updates from teachers in one place. Teachers need to engage parents to help their students succeed. Administrators need oversight into school-to-home communication. Blackboard Teacher Communication allows districts to meet all those needs with a collaborative teacher messaging tool.
Is setup required for parents?
There is no set-up for parents. Our systems will use the information (email and phone numbers) from parents shared during Online Registeration to automatically enroll parents. 
Updating Contact Information

If your contact information changes, contact your student's school to update them with your new email address and phone number.

What is the Fort Worth ISD Mobile App?

Parentlink/Blackboard also provides us with the Fort Worth ISD Mobile App. Messages regarding your student's school can be posted in the app. This would be in addition to parents receiving texts, email, or voice messages, and it can be done in 60 different languages!

Using the Mobile App, parents have access to the Parent Portal, Meal Menus, Transportation information, District Directories, Emergency plans, and much, much more. Please download the Fort Worth ISD Mobile App. Look in the Apple or Google Play stores for the white apple on the red background.

After you download the app, go to "Settings" and then "Follow Schools". Select your student's school, and you will receive notifications and messages unique to your student's school.

