FAC Co-located Service Providers
The FAC has a strong network of co-located service providers that deliver much-needed support to our community. They are considered co-located, because while they serve clients out of their own facilities most of the time, they have partnered with us to offer those same services at the FAC on an appointment basis as a convenience to our clients. That helps eliminate time and transportation challenges many of our clients face.
Also, some clients require assistance from multiple agencies, so rather than struggling to bounce around from location to location trying to manage appointments, they can receive service out of our conveniently located center on the eastside.
The list of co-located services will grow as the FAC continues its mission of serving as an important interface between the school district and service providers representing social/emotional, health, literacy, childcare, and faith-based services.
The current list of providers includes such respected agencies as:
- Cook Children’s Health Care System http://www.cookchildrens.org
- City of Fort Worth- Community Action Partners (CAPS) https://fortworthtexas.gov/cap/
- Workforce Solutions https://workforcesolutions.net/
- Tarrant Area Food Bank https://tafb.org/services/social-services/
- The Art Station https://www.theartstation.org/
- MHMR of Tarrant County https://www.mhmrtarrant.org/
- The Parenting Center http://theparentingcenter.org/
- The Telos Project https://www.thetelosproject.org/
- Mind Above Matter https://mindabovematter.com/
- YAP http://www.yapinc.org/texas
- Alliance Child and Family Solutions
- PSP professional services https://pspcounseling.com/
- Texas Wesleyan Community Counseling Center https://txwes.edu/student-life/student-resources/counseling/
- The Women’s Center https://www.womenscentertc.org/
- Christian Works https://www.christian-works.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIm5_6md7D6QIVxf3jBx0cCwfKEAAYASAAEgJaZfD_BwE
- Authentic Counseling & Coaching Center https://ekchism.wixsite.com/authenticcc
- ACH services https://achservices.org/