Program Overview
Most of the 76 FWISD/CFW sites operate four days per week (Monday through Thursday) from the time school is dismissed to 6:00 p.m. In a few cases, parent-pay and free programs are offered at the school sites on Fridays. However, FWAS is free to participants, most of whom come from families that qualify for the federal free lunch program. FWAS’s day-to-day operations are overseen by an administrative staff, which consists of a director and two program coordinators. A site supervisor manages the program at each site. FWISD/CFW goals include increasing educational competence, physical and social development, and decreasing opportunities for children to become victims or perpetrators of crime. At each site, children receive a snack and an opportunity to complete their homework with program staff assistance. Schools also offer programming in at least 3 of 5 other areas: (1) academic enrichment/tutoring/ homework help, (2) recreation/youth development, (3) fine arts, (4) service learning/ community service, and (5) technology tools/ skills.
21st Century A.C.E. sites
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) program is offered to students at 9 elementary sites overseen by Clayton Youth Services and at five middle and five high school sites overseen by FWAS. Funding received from TEA supports between 100 and 120 participant slots at each campus per day depending on the site. Some sites are additionally supported with a small amount of Fort Worth ISD/City of Fort Worth (CFW) funds.
Most sites operate five days per week (Monday through Friday) and some operate on Saturdays. Program times vary at each campus. Contact Clayton Youth Services at (817)923.9888 for program sites and program times.
21st Century A.C.E. Goals
- Provide opportunities for academic enrichment to meet state and local student academic achievement standards in core academic subjects
- Provide college and workforce readiness programs
- Offer students a broad array of additional youth development services that are designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program for participating students
- Offer families of students and other adults opportunities for literacy and educational development
21st Century A.C.E. Objectives
- Increase the number of students who demonstrate increased proficiency in reading and math
- Increase the number of students passing reading and math in TAKS
- Increase the number of students promoted to the next grade
- Reduce annual dropout rates
- Reduce disciplinary referrals
- Increase the number of families participating in family literacy activities
In addition to providing student enrichment programs, A.C.E. sites also provide ESL, GED, family literacy, and other programs for parents and adult family members.
Activities at all A.C.E. centers may be placed in seven broad categories:
- Tutoring/ Homework
- Academic enrichment
- Fine arts
- Technology tools/skills
- Service learning
- Recreation/ Youth development