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G/T Identification

Getting started

Please use the links below to submit a students name for screening and to give permission to screen if you are a parent or guardian.  

Please click here if you are a parent or guardian to refer your student for G/T screening.  Also, this form gives permission for potential services if your students is identified as G/T. 

Please click here if you are a teacher or community member (not a parent or guardian) who would like to refer a student for G/T screening.  Please note, we cannot move forward with screening this student without receiving parent/guardian permission. 

Take a look at the definition of a G/T student provided by the Texas Education Agency below.  Then, take a look at our 4-step process for G/T screening. 

A gifted/talented student is a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who

  • exhibits high-performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area;
  • possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or
  • excels in a specific academic field. (Texas Education Code §29.121)

G/T Screening Steps

  • Refer
  • Assess
  • Select
  • Notify

First, students must have a referral for consideration.  In order to refer your child, or student, as a part of the G/T screening process this year, please fill out a referral form below.  Before any student enters the screening process, they must be both referred and have parent/guardian permission.  In the Parent/Guardian G/T Referral Form below, permission may be granted virtually for students.  If you are a teacher or non-parent/guardian who would like to refer a student, your initial referral will require parent/guardian information, in order to allow the G/T Department to get permission to assess and serve by the student's parent/guardian.  Please fill out the appropriate form below and provide any information possible that illustrates the gifted behaviors you see in the student.  Need help thinking about various characteristics of gifted students?  Check out this link to an article that discusses the various profiles of the gifted and talented to help discuss the unique traits and needs of your student.

After receiving permission to screen students, a district G/T identification team will assess students using a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative data that reflect the definition of gifted provided by TEA.  The team will collect data from parents, teachers, and review available assessment data such as, but not limited to, NWEA MAP and STAAR.  In addition students who have permission to assess will have the opportunity to create an online portfolio.  The G/T portfolio is comprised of high-level, open-ended activities and challenges that examine student characteristics that may not be seen in other forms of data such as creativity and persistence.  In Kindergarten and 1st grade, we will use the data from planned experiences as the G/T portfolio. 

Once all assessment data has been collected, the district G/T identification team will meet to select the appropriate identification status based off the results of screening.  Once the committee has reviewed all students, the campus will notify all students screened about their identification results. 

For information on appeals and services, please see our G/T manual. 

For an overview of the G/T ID process, in both English and Spanish, please see the appropriate video from a previous year below: 


First page of the PDF file: GTIDInformationLetter24_25


First page of the PDF file: GTIDInformationLetterSPANISH24_25