Interpreting NNAT3 Scores
Why is my child taking the NNAT3?
TEA requires school districts to consider a Gifted and Talented (G/T) identification process that includes an assessment in the student's home language, or that is non-verbal. The screening process for referred students must occur once per year and consider data points from varied sources. The NNAT3 is one test, in the midst of various data, that is considered when screening for identification as G/T. Please watch the video below for more information about the test and what it measures.
Students taking the NNAT3 fall into two categories: those referred for G/T screening who have received parent permission to assess for giftedness or those enrolled in the first grade. Fort Worth ISD uses the NNAT3 as a universal screener for all first graders. The purpose of universal screening an entire grade level is to seek and serve giftedness at all campuses within all populations. If all students are considered at one time, the campus can find students who are meeting the TEA definition of giftedness by performing at or showing the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment (see more information at the TEA Gifted/Talented webpage here.)
The NNAT3 provides data to give an understanding of your student's general ability and thinking, but is not the only data point considered in the G/T screening process. Other data such as MAP scores, teacher feedback, parent feedback, and student work are important in helping understand the unique needs of your students.
All students who take the NNAT3 in Fort Worth ISD will receive a student grade report that explains the data relative to national averages. A national age percentile rank provides an important perspective as to your student's potential as a G/T student.
The NNAT3 is a timed, thirty minute test that is taken online.
Once the screening data has been complied, a committee comprised of G/T teachers, campus leadership, and other teachers from the campus will meet to discuss each referred student's G/T identification. For more information on this, visit our "G/T Identification" tab on our home page or click here.
If you have any questions about the NNAT3 and how to understand your student's scores, please e-mail us at gt@fwisd.org.
Example of the Home Report each student receives after testing: