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The Grants Management team supports schools and departments as they plan and use federal, state, and local grants to prepare all students for college, career, and community leadership. We provide campus and departmental budgetary and programmatic technical assistance in the use of grant funds, follow legislative developments for grant requirements, and ensure grant compliance. We guide and provide resources to grant owners to be good fiduciary agents, maximize the use of our resources, and improve student academic achievement. Our goal for fiscal year 2024-2025 is for grant expenditures to be at least 90% by April 2025. We also support the development of Campus Improvement Plans, Title I, and State Compensatory Education programs. For inquiries about grant management and support, please contact, Executive Director of Grant Management.

Title I Compliance Calendar

September 20
Host Title I Annual Meeting by this Date

October 31
Title I Annual Meeting Documentation Due
Family Engagement Policy Due
School-Parent Compact Due

October 31
50% of Funds Must Be Spent

December 16
75% of Funds Must Be Spent

January 7
Semiannual Grants Certification

January 24
Deadline to submit Title I Library Books and Technology requisitions

April 4
90% of Funds Must Be Spent

April 4
Deadline to Submit Requisitions for Fiscal Year

Only Professional Development and Payroll expenses are allowed