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Employees in Grant-Funded Positions


Thousands of Fort Worth ISD positions are funded by grants, and the Grants and Development Department is accountable for maintaining time and effort documentation and accurate job descriptions. The procedures below apply to all Fort Worth ISD employees whose positions are entirely or partially funded by a state or federal grant. Grants include but are not limited to Adult Education, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER), Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA B), Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY), Title I, Title II, Title III, and Title IV.


Employees are responsible for keeping track of the time and effort they spend on grant-funded activities. The District is responsible for ensuring that grant-funded employees and their supervisors certify time and effort twice a year. The Grants Certification application is launched via email at the end of the fall semester and again at the end of the spring semester. Step-by-step instructions for employees, supervisors, and grant owners are below. 

Grant Certification Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions - Fall 2025



Employees are responsible for reviewing their job description once a year for accuracy. For the 2023-2024 school year, the Job Description Acknowledgment application will be launched to employees in positions funded through federal grant funds and State Compensatory Education funds on March 18. Employees who receive a Job Description Acknowledgment email must use the link to access the application. The entire process is completed online. 


Supervisor and Employee Memo

Job Description Acknowledgment User Guide

Job Description Acknowledgment FAQs



TEA Time and Effort