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Our Schools

Local Wellness Coordinators

FALL Local Wellness Coordinator Meetings

Date: September 17, 2024

Time: 7:00 AM and 4:30 PM

Location: Building 1
I.M. Terrell 1900 I M Terrell Way
Fort Worth, Texas 76102


School Wellness

What is a Local Wellness Coordinator?

 A Local Wellness Coordinator (LWC) is a campus-based individual who champions the health and wellness of the school's students, faculty, staff and community members and is an important part of our Coordinated Health Program.

 LWCs are chosen by the school principal and run the gamut from counselors, to nurses, to PE teachers, to classroom teachers, to librarians.

 They are paid a stipend to complete various tasks at pre-determined times, and submit documentation in the form of sign-in sheets, surveys, etc.

They are tasked with presenting the program at a faculty meeting, recruiting members for the School Wellness Action Team (SWAT) and coordinating a school-wide week-long wellness event, among other things.


Wellness Event History