Fort Worth Independent School District
What is a gang? According to Section 71.01(d) of the Texas Penal Code, it is “three or more persons having a common identifying sign or symbol or an identifiable leadership who continuously or regularly associate in the commission of criminal activities.”
According to the Fort Worth ISD Student Code of Conduct, students are prohibited from:
- Engaging in gang related activity, i.e., gang fights demonstration, harassment and/or intimidation; and
- Involvement in gang activity, a public school fraternity, sorority or secret society, including participating as a member or pledge or soliciting another person to become a pledge or member.
See Board Policy FNCC for more information.
Signs of possible gang involvement:
- change in friends
- changes in dress (wearing the same color combination, etc.)
- gang type symbols writing on on books, clothing ,etc.
- tattoos
- money or new expensive items that cannot be explained
- carrying a weapon
- losing interest in school and family
- truancy
- legal problems such as arrest and other police involvement
- alcohol and other drug involvement
- talking in gang style language
- using hand signals when communicating with others
Are you concerned your child may be involved in a gang?
- talk to your child and discuss the consequences of being in a gang
- talk to school officials and counselors about local gang intervention programs and counseling
- contact your local law enforcement agency, juvenile authority, and local youth organizations to get more information on anti-gang programs
- take immediate action if you experience graffiti on your property-report it to the police, take photos and remove immediately
Local and State Resources