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Our Schools

District Advisory Committee (DAC)

About DAC

The District Advisory Committee (DAC) is a group of individuals who meet four to six times per year to advise the Superintendent and the School Board on educational plans, goals, performance objectives, and major classroom instructional programs. The committee is made up of representatives from the professional staff of the District, parents of students enrolled in the District, and business and community members. The committee is advisory in nature, and each year the committee evaluates the academic progress in the District and assists staff in making appropriate changes to the District Educational Improvement Plan. Meetings shall be open to all District professional staff, the Board, and the public. Only committee members and the staff liaison will be allowed to participate in discussions or deliberations. See BQA(LOCAL).


DAC Information Flyer

The agenda for each meeting will be posted a week prior to the meeting and meeting minutes will be posted no later than a week following each meeting.