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Our Schools

Energy Management

Fort Worth ISD Energy Program

Fort Worth ISD has taken a proactive step to reduce the amount of money spent on utilities by reducing energy consumption, allowing funds to stay in the classroom. Ultimately, the success of the energy program enables the District to save jobs and other valuable programs.

Our commitments:

  • The comfort of students and educators is our #1 priority.
  • This is an organizational behavior-based energy program and requires cooperation and participation.
  • This is not a short-term “green project.”  It’s a comprehensive, rigorous and sustainable energy program to help the District save money for years to come.

Energy Management (Intranet)

After-Hours Event Scheduling for Climate Control

To conserve energy and protect equipment, the air conditioning in your building is scheduled to come on one hour before the morning bell and go off 30 minutes before the afternoon bell.  After those hours, the building sets back to 85˚F for cooling and 55˚F for heating. This means the building should never get above 85˚F or below 55˚F. Also, air is scheduled off during holidays and breaks.

If you have events/meetings at your building after hours or during holidays, please enter a work order in SchoolDude two weeks prior and no more than one month out.

When entering the work order, please include the following:

  1. School number and school name
  2. Requester’s name
  3. Name of the event
  4. Room(s) needed
  5. Date of the event
  6. Start and end time of the event
  7. Please submit the work order to Dept 980 Energy Management System (EMS)

On the day of the event, please perform a “walk-through” to ensure the air conditioning is working properly in the area to be used for the event.