Electronic W2
Your W-2 forms are now ready! If you chose electronic delivery, you can view your W-2 online through the Employee Self-Service (ESS) portal or access it via your designated alternate email. ESS instructions can be found here.
For those who selected mailed copies, the W-2 forms will be postmarked and sent by January 31, 2025.
As an FWISD employee, it is important to maintain updated contact information to ensure easy access to your W2 through the Employee Self Service Hub. With tax season quickly approaching, it is an opportune time to update your alternate email, mailing address, and W2 delivery preferences.
By choosing electronic delivery through your alternate email, you will receive quicker and more secure delivery of your W2, while reducing risks of mishandled or stolen copies sent through the traditional mail system.
Moreover, electronic W2s will be available to you much faster, unlike paper W2s, which must be postmarked by the IRS by January 31st.
Additionally, if you misplace your W2, you can easily print a copy from ESS.
Finally, if you intend to leave the district before the end of the year, selecting electronic delivery ensures that your W2 will be delivered to you without contacting the Payroll Office.
Updating your information in ESS only takes a few minutes, so please do not hesitate to do it today!
Any address or W2 delivery option changes must be made before
January 6th, 2025.
W2 Electronic Delivery Instructions
English & Spanish
English & Spanish
- How will I receive my Electronic W2?
- Do I need any special software to view/print my electronic W2?
- What do I do if I never received my W2 or if I need another printed copy?
- Is the online W2 available for separated employees?
- How soon can I get my W2?