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Risk Management

Risk Management

We sincerely want your experience of working at Fort Worth ISD to be both a rewarding and happy one. Working safely is an important part of making your job a positive experience.

This site is to help you understand your responsibilities in the District’s Employee Safety & Health Program. The program consists of procedures Fort Worth ISD has adopted to help you work safely and minimize accidents. Although you play a key role in preventing accidents, every level of management from your immediate supervisor to the District office, is involved in the program and will be doing their best to help you work safely.

Our primary concern will always be your safety. Fort Worth Independent School District considers accident prevention to be an important part of our daily activities. When any employee is injured or loses time from work because of an injury, it directly affects our mission. Continuing efforts will be made for providing and maintaining safe and healthful working conditions and for following operating practices that will safeguard students and employees.

We must accept our individual responsibilities in preventing accidents. By working together we can avoid the personal suffering and financial loss associated with accidents.

If you are unsure of any safety procedures or have suggestions for improving employee safety, please consult your immediate supervisor or contact us.


Monica Cortez
