Workers' Compensation
The person responsible for reporting WC claims at FWISD to TRISTAR will access the new link/site through the Fort Worth ISD district site ( under the Workers’ Compensation > Report an Injury section (Click on Report an Injury). You will only need a FWISD email address to verify your identity and this will eliminate the need to pre-register and enter the current TRISTAR user credentials. This new process will provide a more streamlined approach for entering a new WC Claim through the web portal.
Please note that all Employees should continue to report their work-related injury to their direct supervisor or member of management. Only the designated person for reporting WC claims is encouraged to use this portal.
Once a claim has been reported to TRISTAR, any subsequent reports, forms or documentation can still be sent to TRISTAR via email: or via fax: 214-492-5691.
About Workers' Compensation
The Workers’ Compensation department is responsible for identification, analysis, management, financing and administration of risk of injury to District employees.
The office of Risk Management reviews workers’ compensation reports to indentify and address exposures, perils and hazards. We are available for work site reviews and ergonomic assessments. You may contact us at 817-814-2251 Additionally, the District maintains a library of safety handbooks and check lists, to see this information click on Employee Safety Information.
Trinity Occupation Program (TOP)
When a Fort Worth ISD employee is injured on the job or suffers an occupational illness appropriate treatment must be provided as soon as possible.
Emergency – dial 911
Non-Emergency – The District has developed a list of medical providers for injured employees to utilize in non-emergency situations, click on Trinity Occupational Program – (TOP). Employees residing in Tarrant County must utilize these medical professionals; other employees may utilize these medical professionals.
Return to Work Program
The function of the Return to Work Program is to return injured employees to work in an appropriate setting as soon as possible. The Return to Work staff works with the injured employee, the injured employee’s supervisor and the injured employee’s treating medical provider in developing a Return to Work Plan. For information click on Trinity Occupational Program – (TOP).
Returning to Work
If an employee is given restrictions by a Workers’ Comp Medical Provider, the employee will need to provide a copy of the Texas Workers’ Comp Work Status report to the Health Services Dept to be cleared prior to returning to work. Health Services can be reached at 817-814-2990 or by email at
To Report an Injury
The supervisor of the injured employee is required by Texas law to report the injury as soon as possible. To report an injury to a District employee click on Report an Injury, then select First Report – TX. Complete the form and click on SAVE, you have submitted the report. The next and last step is to print the Employee Accident Report (English / Spanish), provide it to the injured employee, and ask that it be completed and faxed as requested on the form. For assistance in completing these forms please call 817-814-2251.