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What can parents expect when they take their sons/daughters to the center?

Parents can expect:

• to be greeted by staff who speak English, Spanish, and other languages (interpreters available upon request)

• to receive information/assistance with:
– Student registration
– Initial placement assessment
– Bilingual/ESL program information
– International transcript translations
– Bussing information
– Immunization information
– Fort Worth ISD information
– Online enrollment forms
– Notary services
– Parent/Student Orientation 

• to leave the Center with a yellow envelope pertaining enrollment information to the assigned school (any available enrollment documents are uploaded in the online registration site)

• follow-up services such as visits to schools, translate international transcripts, assist with transportation issues and home visits, as needed

Do all new students who speak a language other than English need to be assessed?

If there is a language other than English on either of the questions below AND the student has never been enrolled in a Texas public school, then the answer is "Yes". Former FWISD students should contact the Center to determine if an updated assessment is needed.

  1. Which languages are used at home?
  2. Which languages are used by the child at home?
  3. If the child had a previous home setting, which languages were used? If there was no previous home setting, answer Not Applicable (N/A).

How long is the process?

The time will vary from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours, depending on the age of the student and the type of assessment needed to ensure the best possible program for the student. Parents, whose children are of primary school age, may be scheduled late morning or in the afternoon, since these assessments are not as long as for older students.

What records pertaining to the student should parents bring to the Student Placement Center?

  • Proof of Age and Identity of Student
  • Immunization Record (must be current and translated into English before the registration process begins)
  • Proof of Address (utility bill or lease)
  • Guardian Information (Identification
  • Report Cards (or any type of school records from previous school, if available)
  • Proof of Asylee/Refugee status (successor document, if available)

Parents may email or fax the required documents.


Fax: 817.815.7705