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Our Schools

School Nurse Evaluation

The Health Services team is dedicated to providing a school nurse evaluation that is grounded in nursing standards. In 2022-2023, the team redesigned the school nurse evaluation from a compliance-based, non-specific form to one that encompasses the Scope of Standards Practice adapted from ANA School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 3rd Edition. The evaluation process initiates at the beginning of school with goal setting and progresses through the year through clinic check-ins and professional development. The final conference at the end of the year is a summative evaluation based on the evidence gathered and discussed throughout the school year.

The school nurse evaluation activities are completed and documented in the Strive app of Eduphoria.

Evaluation Activities

Employees must activate their own Eduphoria accounts. Please see the guidance provided in the link below.

Eduphoria First Time Log-In Instructions