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Our Schools

Employee Separations



*Important Announcement for Teachers Resigning During the School Year*


Effective December 1, 2020, FWISD will consider requests from teachers to be released from their Chapter 21 teacher contract during the school year upon the District finding a suitable replacement for the position. Until such time as a suitable replacement is found for the requesting teacher, the resignation will not be accepted. Teachers who separate from the District without written acceptance of their resignation may be reported to the Texas Education Agency for breaking their contract without good cause as outlined in Texas Education Code Chapter 21.  

  • Submitting a Separation for Resignation or Retirement

    For either Resignation or Retirement, you will be completing and submitting the Form-100.

        1. Click on the link to complete a Form-100.
        2. Choose the reason for your separation, Resignation or Retirement, on the dropdown menu.  
          2. If you are not on a District computer, you will need to log in with your email and password credentials. 

          For Retirees:

          For questions concerning Payroll, please call the Payroll Department at 817-814-2180.

          For questions concerning Benefits, please send an email to the Benefits Department:


          All resignations are pending approval until processed. 

          Board Policy DFE (LEGAL) requires that resignations shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent, or designee, and provided with reasonable notice. 

          Employees who submit their resignation are requested to inform their immediate supervisor at the time the resignation is submitted and provide at least two (2) weeks’ notice prior to the last workday whenever possible. 

          All resignations shall include a statement of the reasons for resigning, which may be included in the District Resignation Form 100.

          Chapter 21 Contract Employees: 

            • Board Policy DFE (LEGAL) and the Texas Education Code (T.E.C.) require individuals who are employed under a Chapter 21 contract to submit resignations no later than 45 days before the first day of instruction for the following school year.  Under T.E.C. Chapter  21.105(c), . 160(c),. 210(c), the State Board for Educator Certification may impose sanctions against a teacher who fails to provide proper notice to the District outlined in this section. The penalty-free deadline for resignations in 2024 is June 29, 2024.
            • Resignations submitted for the end of the school year (the last regularly scheduled workday of the employee for that school year) are accepted upon receipt by the Office of Employee Services, and cannot be withdrawn without a written request to and approval by the Superintendent or designee.
            • Teachers who resign less than 45 calendar days prior to the first day of instruction, or during the school year effective during the school year, must have their resignation approved and accepted by the District prior to release from employment. Certified employees working under a Chapter 21 contract who resign and cease reporting to duty without acceptance of their resignation from the District may be reported to the Texas Education Agency for breaking their employment contract without approval from the District.

          At-will Employees

            • Board Policy DFE (LOCAL)   states that the Superintendent, or designee, shall be authorized to accept the resignation of at-will employees at any time.  At-will employees are requested to provide two (2) weeks' notice prior to the employee's last workday whenever possible.

          Retirement with the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS):  

          • Retirement notifications are requested to be submitted 60 calendar days before the effective date of retirement so that the District may complete documents required by TRS for the employee's retirement application. 

          • Please contact TRS for information about submitting your application for retirement benefits:  

          TRS Website:  

          TRS Phone:1-800-223-8778 

          For more information regarding resignations from FWISD, please call 817-814-2717 or email

          Please consider donating your unused local sick leave by sending an email to with the following information:
          Subject Line: "SLP Donation". Please include Name, EID#, Location Name/Number, and Resignation/Retirement Date.