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Clinical or Student Teaching

Clinical or Student Teaching

The Fort Worth Independent School District welcomes the opportunity to assist, support, and nurture student teachers across our 143 campuses. The District strives to place strong mentors with student teachers so they can learn and develop through positive experiences. The ultimate goal is to develop strong teacher candidates who support the mission and vision of the District, and who, at the end of their successful student teaching experience, can secure a full-time teaching position in FWISD. 

Requests for clinical (student) teaching placement must be made by your university or ACP program. University students or Alternative Certification Programs (ACP) candidates eligible for student (clinical) teaching should complete this application. 


Application for Clinical Teachers in Fort Worth ISD

Step 1: College/University contacts Emily Camarena at to share the list of clinical teachers who need placement.

Step 2: Clinical Teachers must complete a district application. This application can be found here: FWISD Application for clinical teachers and classroom observers

Step 3: Clinical Teachers must attend a district orientation provided by Talent Management. Information about the orientation will be provided to clinical teachers once applications and background checks are approved.

Step 4: Fort Worth ISD will coordinate and assign placement for all clinical teachers. Placements will be communicated to EPPs.


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