Fort Worth Independent School District
Attendance in FWISD
Missing School = Missing Out
Missed school days are missed opportunities to learn.
Students who miss an average of 2 days a month are less likely to:
- Read on grade level by 3rd grade
- Pass STAAR tests in middle school
- Stay on track for graduation in high school
Chronic absenteeism is a better predictor of whether a student will drop out before graduation than test scores.
Learn More
Here is what you can do to keep your child on track:
- Only keep them home if they are truly ill.
- Schedule doctor appointments and vacations on non-school days. Click here to see the academic calendar.
- Maintain routines for eating, sleep, and homework even on non-school days.
- Alert a counselor or your child’s teacher if there is something happening at school that has your child thinking twice about attending.