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Truant Conduct

Attendance Requirement

What the law says:

Notices to Parents/Warnings

A district shall notify a student’s parent in writing at the beginning of the school year that, if the student is absent from school on ten or more days or parts of days within a six-­‐month period in the same school year, the student’s parent is subject to prosecution under Texas Education Code § 25.093, and the student is subject to referral to a truancy court for truant conduct under Texas Family Code § 65.003(a).

Beginning of the Year Truancy Information Letter

Notice of Absences

A district shall notify a student’s parent if the student has been absent from school, without excuse under Education Code § 25.087, on three days or parts of days within a four-­‐week period. The notice must:

  1. Inform the parent that:
    1. It is the parent’s duty to monitor the student’s school attendance and require the student to attend school;
    2. The student is subject to truancy prevention measures under Education Code § 25.0915; and
  2. Request a conference between school officials and the parent to discuss the absences.

The fact that a parent did not receive the notices described above is not a defense for the parent’s failure to require a child to attend school nor for the student’s failure to attend school. Texas Education Code§ 25.095

Non‐Attendance/Parent Liability

A parent or person standing in parental relation commits an offense if:

  1. A warning notice is issued;
  2. The parent with criminal negligence fails to require the child to attend school as required by law; and
  3. The child has absences for the amount of time specified under Family Code 65.003(a).

The attendance officer [see FED] or other appropriate school official shall file a complaint against the parent in an appropriate court, as permitted under Education Code§ 25.093.

Link to policy:


Truancy Prevention Measures

The Fort Worth ISD Student Engagement Department equips parents and students to remove barriers to regular school attendance by providing direct support, practical information, and helpful campus and community resources based upon individual family needs.  Before any court action is taken, Truancy Prevention Measures (TPMs) are implemented with the family including the following:

  1. Warning Notice
  2. Home Support Call and/or Porch Visit
  3. Student Attendance Review Team (SART) Agreement
  4. Campus Support and Interventions
  5. Referrals to Community Resources
  6. Recognition for Improved Student Attendance

Court Action is always a last resort.


Angelia (AJ) Hicks
Director – Elementary Student Engagement

Christina Galanis
Director – Secondary Student Engagement